A summer weekend retreat, for young adults, run by Carmelite Friars.
Go deeper in prayer, rest in the Lord’s presence, grow in the Spiritual life, make great friends.
What: Weekend retreat, 27 hours of prayer, formation and friendship with the Discalced Carmelite Friars
When: 28th June to the 30th June 2024
Where: Kairos Centre, Roehampton SW15 4JA, London
Ticket Reservation has expired.
Contact encounter@carmelite.org.uk if you have any questions.

The Agenda for the Weekend
Arrival and Registration – from 3:00 pm
Dinner – 6:00 pm
Introduction and Welcome – 7:00 pm
Rosary: Praying in the company of Mary
Night Prayer
Wine, Chocolate & games – 9:30 pm
Lauds and Guided Silent Prayer – for residential retreatants only
Breakfast – for residential retreatants only
Introduction to the Day – 9:15 am
Group conversations
Emmaus Walk/Rest
Dinner (in Silence)
Introduction to the evening
Meditation: Cultivating Contemplative Presence
Group conversations
Social evening & Concert – 9:30 pm
Lauds and Guided Silent Prayer – for residential retreatants only
Breakfast – for residential retreatants only
Introduction to the Day – 9:15 am
Worship: Prayer of praise
Group conversations
Festive Lunch – 1:00 pm
Departure – 2:00 pm

Severe Food Allergies, what not to bring.
For packed meals, don’t bring any Fish or Shellfish with you
Contact encounter@carmelite.org.uk if you have any questions.
Encounter Festival Testimonies
“The Encounter Festival was a really good introduction to Carmelite Spirituality. Thanks for an excellent weekend. I feel I have gained tools to help me in my life and have refreshed my relationship with God.”
“It was great to listen to so many clergy’s ways of interacting with our Lord. Good to see recurring themes and agreement between them.
Thank you, it has been a very fruitful and enjoyable weekend.”
“I made new friends and they are like family already. The place is amazing. I would love to come again.”
“Simplicity of the whole thing, and how wonderful it was because of the simplicity. It was never confusing on what to do next, I was surprised to encounter such nice and respectful people- priests, brothers, Sister Camilla, and participants. Just thank you. May God bless the Priory and everyone involved, I really needed a retreat like this.”
“Morning prayer was so peaceful, and it brought me closer to God. All the friars are so welcoming.”
“The silence of the space was so welcome as was the Divine Office with the friars. The keyboard accompaniment very beautiful. I was grateful that there was no loud music.”
Contact encounter@carmelite.org.uk if you have any questions.